-Duneland Schools Frog in the Bog-
In 2009, the Flora Richardson Foundation initiated a partnership with the Duneland School Corporation and the Dunes Learning Center. FRF approached both organizations with the desire to fund a program where students actively learn about the dune region in an outdoor environment. What evolved was FRF funding a two-day, overnight, intensive environmental education program at the Dunes Learning Center for students within the Duneland School Corporation: Frog in the Bog. FRF is proud to have helped thousands of students learn more about the natural world in the region.
Students challenge themselves and work together. They encounter wild and beautiful parts of the Indiana Dunes National Park that very few people ever visit. They return to their classrooms with memories and data, sketches and impressions that provide a foundation for continued work in social studies, science, art and language arts. But they also return to their home community with a sense of appreciation for the amazing natural resources in their own backyard.